13. And finally, Naomi Campbell has been accused of allegedly hitting her staff members multiple times. She pleaded guilty to throwing her telephone at an assistant (in 2000), got sued for throwing the phone at another assistant while having a “tantrum” (in 2003), accused of slapping a housekeeper in the face (in 2004, when she claimed the maid started it), accused of smacking her assistant in the head with her Blackberry (in 2005), arrested for allegedly assaulting her drugs counselor (in 2006), sued by a former maid who accused her of being “a violent super-bigot” (in 2006), and sentenced to community service for assaulting her housekeeper by throwing her bedazzzled cellphone at her head so hard she needed stitches after she couldn’t find a specific pair of jeans (in 2007).
When she cameoed on Ugly Betty in 2008, the phone incident was treated as a joke. When Naomi answered her cell at a baseball game, everyone else ducked in fear.
Likewise, in 2007, after she was arrested for allegedly hitting and head-butting an ex-assistant, Naomi was spotted wearing a “Naomi hit me, and I loved it” shirt.