6 – Teetotaler, Vegetarian, and Drug User?
In attempting to build a master “Aryan” race, the Nazis were known for promoting health-conscious policies. So, it is perhaps not surprising that Hitler was reportedly a teetotaler, nonsmoker, and vegetarian. However, his healthy habits were undermined by his alleged use of opiates. According to recent research, in 1941 his personal physician, Theodor Morell, began injecting him with various drugs, including oxycodone, methamphetamine, morphine, and even cocaine. In fact, drug use was reportedly prevalent throughout the Nazi Party, and soldiers were often given meth before battle. Near the end of his life, Hitler was prone to shaking, and, while some have attributed this to Parkinson disease, others have speculated it was withdrawal from drugs, which by then were hard to obtain.